Night Blindness

Night blindness is not a disease in itself, however, it is often a symptom of an underlying retinal condition or extreme myopia (nearsightedness). The most common signs of night blindness include blurry or cloudy vision in low light, difficulty seeing objects in dim lighting, inability to see stars in the sky at night, seeing halos around lights, struggling to adjust vision when entering a dark room from a bright area, and excessive squinting at night. 

Yellow filters that absorb short, high energy blue wavelengths are typically used for night driving to help reduce glare.  

NoIR filters offer 100% UV protection, and some are formulated to offer short wavelength, high energy Violet and Blue Light protection, significantly reducing night blindness associated glare.


If you need assistance choosing the right level of protection for your application, please email our sales department or give us a call at 800-521-9746

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